Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's Time to Flog This Blog!

Wow, it has been some time since our last post! Well, we are back on the road again so it is time.

We spent several months this past winter trying to buy a winter home in The Valley of The Sun, the area east of Phoenix, AZ. We have been spending some part of winter in AZ for about 10 years. It has been almost 4 years since we sold our house in WA so we decided we needed to have more space, either in summer or in winter. After about six months of trying to buy a house, we finally succeeded and now have a place in Mesa, AZ. Between trying to get the house functional and having to endure a myriad of medical tests, we finally got back on the road early this afternoon. We have wondered if we could endure AZ in summer. The longest we have been here previously was June 2 but this year we lasted to almost mid July. We had one day at 118 F and almost every day now is over 100 F. Heck, we consider 103 to be almost pleasant!

At about noon we had everything packed and the house ready to be closed for the remainder of summer so we hit the road. It was hot, 104 or thereabouts, but traffic was manageable and the AC kept the rig livable. We headed west and turned north at the Colorado River. We are in a very nice County Park on the Colorado just out of Parker, AZ. We have a good view of the river, the park is not crowded, our site is shaded and the AC is working hard. The back of the coach was 96 F when we arrived. We will have a cool, restful sleep and be on the road early to avoid the hottest weather. It will be a beautiful day! We are headed for Union, WA where we will spend a restful couple of months in a beautiful location on Hood Canal. If you are in the vicinity, give us a call.

1 comment:

Jenne and Marcel's Travel Adventures said...

Wow is that your new place in AZ? It is beautiful! Hope we can come visit some time.