Friday, June 11, 2010

"I Want To Go Back To Michigan"

These lyrics belong to a pre-prohibition song about life on the Michigan campus and are sung to a melody written by Irving Berlin having the same title. Ohio State borrowed the tune sometime later but that is understandable!

Anne has never been in Ann Arbor so we went 'back to some of the money I spent'. We walked about the central campus and Don tried to remember where it all happened. You can't believe how much the trees can change the appearance of a campus in 45 years! We had a good time and found some places to be little changed and others no longer recognizable. The students do look appreciably younger, however! Phone booths still exist in the Michigan Union but some of them are now email booths, replete with computer terminal. Email did not exist in 1965!

We drove past the football stadium and lots of construction was underway. It has to be all completed before fall and football season! It is hard to get pictures while driving busy streets but we did get a few during our walk.

1 comment:

Ted said...

ok here is one for Michigan (the song) on the about to be release Explone album